Killing America

Trump, who insisted during his campaign that the Election is rigged, won the Presidency and proved his point.

The election IS rigged by the Electoral College.

You vote does not count.

slave states v. free states

and why we have the Electoral College…

A history lesson from The Rachel Maddow Show that you don’t want to miss.

It’s a long reach to find precedent for this election.


November 25, 2016

Clinton’s lead in the popular vote surpasses two (2) million

A half-dozen electors, those who will formally cast votes for Trump and Clinton on Dec. 19, are pushing to block Trump from winning a majority of votes.

Hillary Clinton has garnered 64,223,958 votes, compared to the President-elect Donald Trump’s 62,206,395. | Getty

The Needs of the Many Outweigh The Needs of the Few – YouTube 2:08

Hillary Clinton won the Presidential Election by a growing margin…

Hillary’s tally now stands at  over 2 million more votes than 48 to 46 percent lead over over Donald Trump,

and she has a larger margin of victory than Richard Nixon had over Hubert Humphrey in 1968 or John F. Kennedy had over Nixon in 1960. (Her edge is also larger than Al Gore’s popular vote victory over George W. Bush in 2000, though he too was stymied by an electoral college loss.)

In raw numbers, that amounts to an edge of roughly 1.8 million votes as of Saturday.

previous reports were lower –  a margin of 233,404 votes.*

Neither candidate got more than 50 percent of the vote showing how deeply divided the USA is.

In 2000, Al Gore narrowly won the popular vote against George Bush, but he lost the presidency by five electoral votes

Clinton  is the fifth U.S. presidential candidate to win the popular vote but lose the election.

So, Why is there an electoral college?

and HOW does it upset the popular vote, contrary to democracy by allowing a minority to overrule a majority?

The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.

The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress.


The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state’s entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators. Read more about the allocation of electoral votes.

Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. For this reason, in the following discussion, the word “state” also refers to the District of Columbia.

Each candidate running for President in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate’s political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. Read more about the qualifications of the Electors and restrictions on who the Electors may vote for.

The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. You help choose your state’s electors when you vote for President because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate’s electors.

Most states have a “winner-take-all” system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of “proportional representation.” Read more about the allocation of Electors among the states and try to predict the outcome of the Electoral College vote.

After the presidential election, your governor prepares a “Certificate of Ascertainment” listing all of the candidates who ran for President in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Certificate of Ascertainment also declares the winning presidential candidate in your state and shows which electors will represent your state at the meeting of the electors in December of the election year. Your stateÂ’s Certificates of Ascertainments are sent to the Congress and the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidential election. See the key dates for the 2016 election and information about the roles and responsibilities of state officials, the Office of the Federal Register and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and the Congress in the Electoral College process.

The meeting of the electors takes place on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December after the presidential election. The electors meet in their respective states, where they cast their votes for President and Vice President on separate ballots. Your state’s electors’ votes are recorded on a “Certificate of Vote,” which is prepared at the meeting by the electors. Your state’s Certificates of Votes are sent to the Congress and the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidential election. See the key dates for the 2016 election and information about the roles and responsibilities of state officials and the Congress in the Electoral College process.

Each state’s electoral votes are counted in a joint session of Congress on the 6th of January in the year following the meeting of the electors. Members of the House and Senate meet in the House chamber to conduct the official tally of electoral votes. See the key dates for the 2016 election and information about the role and responsibilities of Congress in the Electoral College process.

The Vice President, as President of the Senate, presides over the count and announces the results of the vote. The President of the Senate then declares which persons, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States.

The President-Elect takes the oath of office and is sworn in as President of the United States on January 20th in the year following the Presidential election.

There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states.

Some states, however, require Electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two categories—Electors bound by state law and those bound by pledges to political parties.

The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Constitution does not require that Electors be completely free to act as they choose and therefore, political parties may extract pledges from electors to vote for the parties’ nominees.

Some state laws provide that so-called “faithless Electors” may be subject to fines or may be disqualified for casting an invalid vote and be replaced by a substitute elector. The Supreme Court has not specifically ruled on the question of whether pledges and penalties for failure to vote as pledged may be enforced under the Constitution. No Elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged.

Maryland officially became the first state on Tuesday to approve a plan to give its electoral votes for president to the winner of the national popular vote instead of the candidate chosen by state voters.

Gov. Martin O’Malley, a Democrat, signed the measure into law, one day after the state’s General Assembly adjourned. The measure would award Maryland’s 10 electoral votes to the national popular vote winner. The plan would only take effect if states representing a majority of the nation’s 538 electoral votes decided to make the same change.

 posted on Facebook with comments following…
Nora Boyle DUH…
Bill Beckman this is not a good thing…as California has 38 million people it alone would have the voting power over 18- 20 other states with much lower populations……I have nothing against Cali but it would not be fair for ONE states people to have that much voting power over 20 other states…..I was a big proponent of getting rid of it but the way our Constitution and states are laid out we must keep it…..
Betsy Fenik Penn , Ohio and Florida routinely decide the election. Why not CA?
Bill Beckman if you have one state that has as many people as 20 that ONE controls the lives of folks not close to their demographics…..yes there ARE swing states as they call em…..and YES one state CAN influence the outcome….but when someone has a majority of STATES that takes in the bigger picture…if it was 25 states to 25 states then YES by all means but when it is 35 states to 15 states ONE should not have that power…….
John Carr It’s a hoax
Gail Ciccocelli i don’t believe this for one second.

Votes are still being counted, however, with the outstanding ballots overwhelmingly concentrated in Democratic bastions like California, Washington state and New York.

The Times’ Nate Cohn estimated on Saturday that there were a total of 7 million votes left to be counted nationwide. As of Thursday, more than 4 million votes had yet to be counted in California alone.

That means that Clinton’s lead will almost certainly grow in the coming days, as it has since election night.



SIGN the Petition to ABOLISH the Electoral College!


I have no electricity in the Woods but I had a nitemare and did not sleep well. I felt an earthquake in my dream, and a whoosh like that of a nuclear fallout.  Then there was a thunder of hooves or…the four horseman of the Apocalypse.

and then I went into town and discovered

Trump won.


Source: Trumpacolypse….


I have no electricity in the Woods but I had a nitemare and did not sleep well.

I felt an earthquake in my dream, and a whoosh like that of a nuclear fallout.  Then there was a thunder of hooves or horses, and it shook me awake, a night terror unparalleled by any other…I wasn’t sure if there were really an earthquake, but the ground was still and sat up in the darkness feeling panicked, pressured, and short of breath.

I had no doubt Hillary would win and indeed she did – the popular vote, but that rigged electoral system voted in The Donald and I suffered nausea all morning, forgoing my coffee for a yogurt drink and pepto bismal. How many prozac can you take?

The Jokes rained…Orange is the New Black, #CALEXIT, a movement for California to secede from the Union, and Russian strongman Putin as the shadow elite.

All I could think is how we can UNDO this.


OH NO…not funny.

But then I recalled during the height of the 60s Revolution, America elected Nixon.

And, then he was deposed via Watergate but not until 1972. Let’s hope Trump stumbles faster than that. And FAST.

I need more Pepto Bismal.

All I could think is how Trump said (out loud) ‘WHY DON’T WE NUKE “EM” regarding the ISIS fight in Syria.


Watch out Syria…you will be blown off the face of the earth.

UGH. I need to pack for New Zealand.

Financial Cancer

I used to call this financial ruin, but it is more insiduous than that.

its cancer.

I have no job, no income, no means of support, no trust fund, though I trust the funds will come.

I have financial cancer.


So, today, I release all pain and all poverty from my life – forever…


The Treasure of Santa Monica

After a long dark period, I thought I had locked in a job, working for Goldline Financial, a gold and precious metals seller…

I intended to clean up. Make 1k a day…$350k my first year, but the condo in Palm Springs, retire, live out my golden years and then die.

Oh, No..I don’t get the job. I hate it when hitting the lottery becomes Plan A, instead of Plan B.  I really wanted that job.  It may have been my experience, my age, my stunning good looks, who knows?  NO!  My favorite word – so good that that’s my name- NO RA

So, onward thru the fog.  Looking for my next pot of gold (Did I mention I’m a leprecahn?) and of course, quite resilient, although living in a homeless shelter and with a car repair bill of $2k plus storage fees..

No worries.

They wake us up at “5:45 AAAAAAMMMMMMMM! LADIES!”

and flip on the lights.

The disabled woman snores like a _ can’t even think of the metaphor, but she toots after each snore…

It is like a women’s prison, except there are crying and whiny children – a little one who cries because she has to go to sleep and then cries because she has to wake up.

I thought that job was my ticket out, but NO





so tonite I will hit the lottery.




Rock of Vampyre, the Book, the Movie, the Musical!

GRIFFIN PARK after dark… teen horror movie….


Rock of Vampyre is a story about the Hollywood Empire, and a talent agent they call the Vampire, because he reps dead celebrities.

Hollywood Empire, Rock of Vampyre….cold blooded talent agent amasses a fortune repping dead celebrities, and manages a few hot messes of mistresses, writers, comics, torch singers, and rock groups like a shaman. His favorite, Sally Mustango, a singer, dies in a plane crash, and then haunts him as a ghost.

His other minions include Raquel Lopez, a crazy comedy writer who robs banks to maintain her lifetstyle, Suzi Shane, a comic, who gets fat, and becomes FATCATWOMAN, and starts a weight loss pyramid scheme, and Chaos, a ragtag band of celebrities who want to be rock stars instead of movie stars


online story Rock of Vampyre


and a teen horror comedy thriller

Griffin Park after Dark



Fire Moon

A strange haze in the sky as Santa Clarita, due east of L.A., burns about 11,000 acres and the moon appears orange. I smelled the smoke but it drifted like a cloud out to sea.

No close encounters with coyotes but an urban legend heard on the bus, that two homeless druggies were attacked and killed by coyotes while camping in Griffith Park. I know this is not true, but love that people believe coyotes will kill you. Mountain lions, maybe, coyotes, no. A coyote apparently attacked and killed a small child back in the 80s, but they are usually fearful of humans and run away. I think there is only one mountain lion in GP and he’s about 100 years old, tagged, and lurks around LA Zoo where he recently ate a koala bear.

As for me, I’ve finally mastered pest control with baking soda, DEET, vinegar, and whatever else I can find.  If it is not the mosquitos, its the Ants, and if not the ants, its the flies.  Seriously? I need a tent, but then I would be investing in my homelessness, and I want out.

I did hear a symphony of music – night music which was quite stunning. The trains nearby created a wonderful harmonic of tones, layered in notes that I never heard from trains before. Then whenever there were police or fire sirens, the coyotes would howl. And the cicadas would join in. I heard some strange birds as well as the owl, and wished I could record this beautiful night music…except for the cars. they do not contribute to the music at all. What would life be with cars and helicopters?





Wolf Spirit

So, it appears the Universe wants me to get a job – at last. I got a couple of calls and my be breaking free of this ‘destitution’ at last…

I’ve become the consummate social engineer * as I obtain bus money, free food, opportunities wherever I can…and this is not a bad thing.  Only the corporate group thinkers  hate social engineers, but I know it is key to survival.  I gain advantage whenever I can – isn’t life just a game of chess? And why am I getting so good at this?

Because I have Wolf spirit and live in Dragon Wood, inhaling DEET nightly and drinking Los Angeles tap water.  And, I need my car back, because my feet are killing me.

Social engineering, in the context of information security, refers to psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. A type of confidence trick for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or system access, it differs from a traditional “con” in that it is often one of many steps in a more complex fraud scheme.

The term “social engineering” as an act of psychological manipulation is also associated with the social sciences, but its usage has caught on among computer and information security professionals.

I see it more as ASK and you shall Receive…I just ask people for favors and if they refuse me, it is no big deal. Its a NJ mafia skill really.




One of the fearsome parts of being a ‘destitute’ is you are subject to mass transportation. If you don’t have busfare, you must beg for it. Most people will give you some change, but if there’s no one around, then you are stranded.

I have one bus token left. After a week of more chaos (why does God hate me?) losing my pocketbook on a bus, wallet, cash, identity, debit cards, my favorite lipstick, and other stuff, I’ve been running around trying to get a job, replace lost items, replace documents, and running full speed into walls.

Just kidding, I know God doesn’t hate me. Mostly,because I gave up on him like I did Santa Claus a long time ago. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t have a soul or spirit, and a connection to superior forces, but I am going through some sort of trial that I’m certain will end up with a lottery hit.

I wished for a tsunami of riches, and what I am experiencing is the ocean sucking up everything I am before or own  before it delivers the goods. At least that is my story.

And, I want my car back! I’m done with the homeless experience, and while it has forever changed me, I want to get back to the drone world of jobs and paying bills and driving in carmageddon traffic every day. Yes, I’ve distilled the American Dream…forget Kerouac’s rucksack wanderer, and the wave of enlightenment of the New Age, I’m all for my car, my job, my bed, my robot world, worker bee, oppressed drone of the apocalypse.

Now for that dystopian introduction, I am, of course, stranded at Starbucks, the favorite hangout for the homeless.  I should hire myself as a consultant on how to get rid of them.

however, since the full moon the other day, I’ve become the wolf spirit that always resided within, and while I am hungry, it is more that I am bloodthirsty.

the laws of the jungle being what they are, I’m pacing around, sticking close to food and water sources, and sensing danger, and kicking it with coyotes in Griffith Park.

But, today I am lame. Hence, the claim for disability. Despite my Major Depressive Disorder (part wolf) I also have a leg injury ..

I am diagnosed with both physical and mental disorders:

Major depressive disorder

And a leg injury incurred during childhood which resulted in repeated injury, right ankle,


30 years ago, an orthopedic doctor treated me and said I would end up crippled with arthritus in a wheelchair if I did not have surgery to correct the problem:

I am “out of alignment’ resulting in osteoarthritis in my feet, hips, ankles,

And subsequently had a Left hip replacement

And need a right hip replacement

My ankle was never treated for torn ligaments (ruptured tendons) because it was

Considered a preexisting condition and not covered by insurance

And since I was a contract worker, I usually did not have any medical insurance.


Alright, so my caseworker, kindly steered me toward Social Security for assistance, but if they had just given me disability when I had my first hip replacement, I wouldn’t have got evicted in the first place.

So to add to that, I have TBI, traumatic brain injury, incurred when I tool a flying leap of a firetruck onto a concrete floor, headfirst. Now, I’m not proud of that, but I was five and probably just fell off.

My father, a volunteer fireman, was hanging out in the interior room with First Aid guys, and came running when they heard me scream, but they didn’t know what happened, and let me go to sleep.  I slept for awhile and later woke up, puking blood, and then rushed to the hospital, but no skull fracture, so they just let you go home. I was semi conscious for the next week or so, and suffered nosebleeds well into adolescence, but  everybody poo poo’d the idea that I might be brain damaged, but I sort of knew it, and started falling alot, injuring my ankle at every turn.

So, I lived with the condition, and really don’t considered myself disabled, but today, I have some serious arthritis pain in my foot and really don’t want to walk anywhere – I’ve been walking miles and miles every day.

So, this is where the wolf part comes in.

I need help, and a job, and a place to live, and

my fucking car! So now I’m bloodthirsty and on the hunt.
